This "Precinct Strategy 1" video gives a distinct, play-by-play plan of action. Failure is not due to lack of strength. Failure is due to the absence of a strategic plan. The key to success
Develop the Plan
Articulate the Plan
Execute the Plan
Understanding the rules of "the game" and following a winning strategy are critical in the goal of setting America back on track fiscally and morally.
"Without vision, the people perish."
The Power of ONE-The voices of MANY. We are "America for Common Sense Government." SIGN and BE COUNTED at Submit your Email address below to follow these posts.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Even as our own University of Georgia College Republicans gain notoriety internationally as they are awarded "Best CPAC College Video," there is a strong youth component on the political horizon.
Read the article:
Read the article:
House Bill 246 passed in the Georgia Senate today.
Sunday, March 24, 2013

“Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.”
There is great wisdom in these words, for few people spend an adequate amount of time getting to know themselves and by design, few get to know their enemies. Many battles are lost on this front rather than on the proverbial battlefield.
Here is the type of organization the "other side" is mounting:
If you scroll to the bottom of the page and look under "ISSUES" you will note that
THEIR issues mirror out own, yet polar opposites of where we stand.
You will also note that this site is paid for by the Barack Obama Campaign, "Organizing For Action" (formerly Obama For America). They are a well oiled and very well funded machine. However, if you look for Obama's "Action" website, you will not find it under the URL you would expect. In an LA Times article below, you will discover the reason AND the brilliant strategy enlisted by a very opportunistic 40-year old computer technician. Now THIS is strategy!
Thursday, March 21, 2013
Two salesmen are sent out to sell shoes in a remote district.
Salesman #1 scouts around for a few days and then goes to the telegraph office to contact company headquarters. He writes:
Research complete. Unmitigated disaster. Nobody here wears shoes.
Likewise, Salesman #2 does his research and heads for the same telegraph office. Once there, he composes the following:
Research complete. Glorious opportunity! Nobody here wears shoes.
(Now read the whole story: )
So..,how does this relate? Read on:
SEE: "Barbarians At The Gate"
Salesman #1 scouts around for a few days and then goes to the telegraph office to contact company headquarters. He writes:
Research complete. Unmitigated disaster. Nobody here wears shoes.
Likewise, Salesman #2 does his research and heads for the same telegraph office. Once there, he composes the following:
Research complete. Glorious opportunity! Nobody here wears shoes.
(Now read the whole story: )
So..,how does this relate? Read on:
SEE: "Barbarians At The Gate"
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
Thursday, March 14, 2013
The American Family Association ( is sending out the alert. AFA states:
"The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments, beginning on March 26, on both the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition 8. DOMA defines marriage for federal purposes exclusively as the union of one man and one woman, and protects the right of each state to craft its own marriage policy.
Prop 8 amended California's state constitution to give maximum legal protection to natural marriage in the Golden State, and was supported by over 7 million voters.
If the Supreme Court overturns DOMA and Prop 8, the consequences for self-government, marriage, children and America will be devastating, as devastating to the sanctity of marriage as Roe v. Wade has been for the sanctity of life."
"The Supreme Court will hear oral arguments, beginning on March 26, on both the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) and California’s Proposition 8. DOMA defines marriage for federal purposes exclusively as the union of one man and one woman, and protects the right of each state to craft its own marriage policy.
Prop 8 amended California's state constitution to give maximum legal protection to natural marriage in the Golden State, and was supported by over 7 million voters.
If the Supreme Court overturns DOMA and Prop 8, the consequences for self-government, marriage, children and America will be devastating, as devastating to the sanctity of marriage as Roe v. Wade has been for the sanctity of life."
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Have you ever wondered how you can make a difference in your neighborhood, city and state? Here is a very informative website showing the "how to's" of working smart.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
In accordance with the Rules of the Georgia Republican Party, Clarke County electors who are in accord with the principles of the Republican Party may participate as members of the Clarke County Republican Party in its conventions and/or mass meetings. "The Clarke County Republican Committee" shall be the governing body of the Clarke County Republican Party except while the convention of the Clarke County Republican Party is in session.
- 1. These rules shall be consistent with the rules of the Republican Party of Georgia and the Georgia Election Code.
- 2. The following officers shall be elected at the County Convention: Chairman, First Vice Chairman, Second Vice-Chairman, Secretary, Treasurer. Officers and members of the County Committee shall hold office for two years or until successors are duly elected and qualified, unless sooner removed in accordance with these rules. The permanent precinct chairman and additional precinct representatives elected at precinct meetings shall automatically become members of the County Committee immediately upon their election. The County Committee shall have the right to increase or alter membership in the Committee as provided in accordance with these rules. In addition to the precinct chairman, up to four additional representatives on the County Committee shall be allowed for each precinct, proportional according to the Republican vote in the last biennial General Election in each precinct as follows: one representative for each 400 votes or major fraction thereof. For this purpose, absentee and early votes shall be allotted to each precinct in the same proportion as votes cast on election day. These representatives shall be elected at the precinct mass meetings.
- 3. The Clarke County Republican Committee, hereinafter designated as the County Committee, shall consist of the following members each with voting privileges and responsibilities:
County Chairman
First Vice-Chairman
Second Vice-Chairman
Chairman of each Precinct
Additional Precinct Representatives & Members as may be determined by the County Convention, with not less than one member from each Precinct as allowed by the Republican vote in each precinct in the last biennial General Election.
Chairman of UGA College Republicans (or eligible elector representative)
Members of the Executive Committee not already serving on the County Committee by virtue of other office.
Ex Officio Members:
Past Republican County Chairmen
Elected Republican Officials of Clarke County
Republican Appointed Member of the Clarke County Board of Elections
A person holding two positions on the County Committee shall be entitled to only one vote.
- 4. Upon the death, resignation or removal from office of any officer, the nominations to fill vacancies on the County Committee must be made in writing to the County Chairman, who will bring these nominations before the Executive Committee for its recommendation. Upon recommendation by the Executive Committee, committee vacancies may be filled by a majority vote of a quorum present at any regular meeting of the County Committee.
- 5. The County Committee shall meet at least once every other month on the second Monday or upon the call of the County Chairman, or upon the call of one third of the members thereof, provided that seven (7) days written notice has been given all members, setting forth the time, place and purpose of such meeting. Should the second Monday of the month fall on a legal holiday, then the regular meeting scheduled for that date shall be held on the following Monday.
- 6. One-third (1/3) of the County Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Proxies may be used to constitute a quorum.
- 7. Members of the County Committee may be represented in matters properly before the Committee by proxy given to another member of the County Committee. Members holding proxies shall be able to vote the proxies as if the absent member were present. All business transacted by the County Committee shall be by majority vote of those members of the Committee present at the meeting unless otherwise specified in these rules.
- 8. FORM OF PROXY: All proxies shall be in writing, shall be signed by the maker of the proxy, and shall be substantially in the following form:
KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS, that I, of Clarke County, Georgia do hereby constitute and appoint my true and lawful attorney to vote at a meeting of the Clarke County Republican Committee to be held on the day of , 20 , or at any adjourned meeting thereof, and for me and in my name, place and stead to vote upon any question that properly may come before such meeting, with all the power that I should possess if personally present, hereby revoking all previous proxies. IN WITNESS THEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my seal, this day of , 20 .
- 9. Members of the County Committee who have missed three (3) consecutive meetings without sending a proxy may be notified by the Secretary that they will automatically lose their membership unless present in person or by proxy at the next regular meeting.
- 10. Any officer or member of the County Committee may be removed from office for cause by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) majority of a quorum present at any duly called meeting of the County Committee, provided, however, that such individual be given at least thirty days' prior written notice of such meeting, and of the grounds therefore and is given an opportunity to be present, to be heard in person and/or by any representative of his choice. "Cause" as used herein shall include continued failure to perform these duties or conduct detrimental to the best interests of the Party, all as may be determined by the aforesaid vote of the County Committee.
- 11. The County Committee shall have the power to nominate candidates for County elective public offices in a County Committee meeting by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of a quorum present, or shall declare an open primary for the purpose of selecting candidates. Whenever the County Committee shall, by a majority vote, declare Primary Elections for the purpose of nominating County candidates for Public elective offices, such Primary elections may be held for the purpose or purposes declared in accordance with the rules and regulations established by the State Committee and consistent with any Federal, State or local laws for the conduct of such primary elections and the certification of the rules. The County Committee shall adopt rules for the qualifications of candidates consistent with Federal or State laws and with the rules of the State Party.
- 12. Any appointments by the County Chairman, either of individuals or committees, are subject to the approval of the County Committee by a majority vote of a quorum present.
- 13. The County Committee shall in all respect act as the Republican Party of and for Clarke County between conventions, and it shall have the duty to enhance the prestige and reputation and to build the strength of the Republican Party in Clarke County.
- 14. The County Committee shall call the County Conventions and mass meetings or primaries, make arrangements therefore, fix the basis of representation by delegates to local conventions and the time and place for holding same. It shall oversee all County campaigns. It shall cooperate with the State Committee and the 10th District Committee in conducting all elections within the boundaries of Clarke County. The County Committee shall decide all controversies within its jurisdiction, with the right of appeal to the 10th District Committee. Appeals must be taken to the 10th District Committee within thirty (30) days after the decision appealed from, by a petition signed by at least 25 Republican voters of Clarke County. The Interim Nominating Committee of any County Convention shall submit to the party Secretary three days prior to conventions its nominees for offices.
- 15. The County Committee exercises county-wide jurisdiction and control over Party affairs, as defined by and required by OCGA 21-2-113, whose powers may in part be delegated as provided in these and State Party rules to a subcommittee of the County Committee called the "Clarke County Executive Committee", hereinafter designated as the Executive Committee, and shall be composed of the following:
County Chairman
First Vice-Chairman
Second Vice-Chairman
Finance Committee Chairman
Membership Committee Chairman
Immediate Past County Chairman
President, Athens Area Republican Women
Five Members-At-Large
Publicity Committee Chairman
Corresponding Committee Chairman
African-American Liaison
Hispanic-American Liaison
Chairman of UGA College Republicans (or eligible elector representative)
A person holding two positions on the Executive Committee shall be entitled to only one vote.
The Executive Committee shall be empowered to undertake any action consistent with the rules of the Republican Party of Clarke County. The County Chairman shall serve as Chairman of the Executive Committee, and shall convene meetings of the Executive Committee as needed to carry on any necessary business of the Clarke County Republican Party between meetings of the Clarke County Republican Committee. Actions of the Executive Committee may be undertaken by a majority vote of a quorum present or by proxy. One-third (1/3) of the Executive Committee shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. Proxies may be used to constitute a quorum.
The Executive Committee shall be required to report on all its actions and activity to the next meeting of the County Committee which may be overridden by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of a quorum present at a meeting of the County Committee.
- 16. These rules may be amended at a County Committee meeting by a three fourths (3/4) vote of a quorum present, provided at least fifteen (15) days' written notice of such meeting has been mailed to all members. In the call of such meeting, it shall be necessary to state an intention to amend these rules and to set forth in detail the proposed amendments. The amended rules shall become effective when adopted unless otherwise provided.
- 17. These rules shall become effective immediately upon their adoption.
Adopted March 12, 2011: Clarke County Convention
Matt Brewster
Clarke County Republican Committee
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