Please read the filling article about the strength and necessity of the Tea Party Caucus on Capitol Hill, then contact each legislator to encourage them, remind them that there are grassroots conservatives who support their efforts AND to remind them to be faithful within the causes.
Here is the contact information:
Liberals will win
UPDATE: We are 3 million strong and we have not made enough of an impact today! We need YOU to call and email as many of these Representatives on this list as you can, whether or not you live in their district! These Senators and Representatives were elected in large part because of Tea Party support. Let them know that YOU are keeping tabs on what they are doing in DC! If we are to continue this effort on the Hill we need your support and your donations. Please donate what you can afford to these efforts!
Dear Patriot:
The Tea Party Caucus is back together on Capitol Hill set to meet once every quarter starting this Thursday April 25th at 5:30 pm EST! At the request of the Tea Party Caucus House Leader Michele Bachmann, we have joined efforts with her team to organize quarterly Tea Party meetings on Capitol Hill with all of the Senators and House members that are part of the Tea Party Caucus. After the Tea Party stormed into Washington D.C. in 2010 with overwhelming victories, the liberals and liberal media has pounded on the millions of decent Americans in the Tea Party movement to try to diminish our success. Part of that included trying to shut down the Tea Party Caucus meetings with Congressmen/women and Senators on Capitol Hill. We will not let that stand! That is why we are working with Michele Bachmann’s office and all the Tea Party Representatives and Senators to assure quality, informative meetings and attendance. The Representatives and Senators will meet each quarter with representatives from as well as many of the other national tea party and conservative organizations. The purpose is to show our solidarity for supporting the U.S. Constitution and its founding principles of limited government, free markets and personal responsibility and to discuss specific issues that are important to YOU!
We do several surveys each month so we can bring your ideas and opinions to Congress at each meeting. We will be discussing things like the Benghazi investigation, 2nd Amendment rights, cutting out of control spending, reforming entitlement spending, replacing the current tax system with a better solution and much, much more. We have a five person Tea Party Advocacy Team that works on Capitol Hill for “We The People” and what is important to you. That advocacy team includes former six-term Congressman J.D. Hayworth who is National Advisor. In addition, the D.C. team has Chief Strategist and frequent Fox News analyst Niger Innis, Bob Adams a longtime D.C. activist and co-founder of League of American Voters and myself, Todd Cefaratti the founder of
For this to be successful, starting this Thursday and every quarter after, we MUST have your help. We have over 3 million loyal patriots that follow If every activist took just a few minutes once a quarter to do just two things, the Tea Party movement would enable freedom loving Americans to TAKE BACK OUR COUNTRY that is currently attempting to be “fundamentally changed” as President Obama has so often proudly spoken of.
Here are the 2 simple things we need all patriots to do immediately today and from now on to assure the attendance and success of the revitalized Tea Party Caucus meetings on Capitol Hill:
1. Show your support by donating what you can today and each month so these Caucus meetings succeed. is a grassroots nonprofit 501 c4 organization and we are not funded by billionaires, labor unions or special interest corporations. We are funded by regular every day moms, dads, grandparents and citizens that love America and want to do their part to save our Constitution and freedoms we were founded on. We will only go as far as the American people will take us. We know times are tough, so donate whatever you can afford today and each month. If you gave up one fast food meal per month to instead help your country, you could be the difference. Donate HERE.
2. Please call your own Congressman and Senators in your state and also in as many other states as possible from the list below today at 202-224-3121. Also please email them as well with the emails provided below. When you reach them or their staff tell them you are VERY excited about the new quarterly Tea Party Caucus meetings in the Capitol and that you are looking forward to them attending each quarter! This will assure that they know that 3 million of you are watching and that it is important that they attend this Thursday and every meeting after. We will be taking attendance each meeting and any Representatives and Senators that are in the Tea Party Caucus that do not show without a reason, we will encourage you to call them each time to find out why they are not attending. Again, please call your Representative and Senators from the list below and as many other states as you can to encourage them all to attend. Please be very positive and encouraging.
Representatives to email
Rep. Chief of Staff Email State
Trent Franks Randy Kutz AZ
Tom McClintock Igor Birman CA
Gary Miller John Rothrock CA
Ed Royce Amy Porter CA
Joe Wilson Jonathan Day CA
Mike Coffman Jacque Ponder CO
Doug Lamborn Adam Magary CO
Gus Bilirakis Dave Peluso FL
Ander Crenshaw John Ariale FL
Rich Nugent Justin Gabelle FL
Dennis Ross Anthony Foti FL
Paul Broun David Bowser GA
Phil Gingery David Sours GA
Tom Price Kris Skrzycki GA
Lynn Westmoreland Brad Bohannon GA
Steve King Brittany Lesser LA
Tim Huelskamp Jim Pfaff KS
Lynn Jenkins Pat Leopold KS
Rodney Alexander Adam Terry LA
Bill Cassidy James Quinn LA
John Fleming Dana Gartzke LA
Steve Scalise Lynnel Ruckerc LA
Tim Walberg Joseph Wicks MI
Michele Bachmann Robert Boland MN
Vicky Hartzler Eric Bohl MO
Blaine Luetkemeyer Seth Appleton MO
Steven Palazzo Casey Street MS
Howard Coble Ed McDonald NC
Adrian Smith Monica Jirik NE
Steve Pearce Todd Willens NM
Jeff Duncan Lance Williams SC
Mick Mulvaney Al Simpson SC
Diane Black Annie Palisi TN
Stephen Fincher Jessica Carter TN
Phil Roe Matthew Meyer TN
Joe Barton Ryan Thompson TX
Michael Burgess Kelle Strickland TX
John Carter John Stone TX
John Culberson Jamie Gahun TX
Blake Farenthold Beau Rothschild TX
Louie Gohmert Connie Hair TX
Kenny Marchant Brian Thomas TX
Randy Neugebauer Jeanette Whitener TX
Ted Poe Gina Santucci TX
Pete Sessions Lee Padilla TX
Lamar Smith Jennifer Y Brown TX
Rob Bishop Scott Parker UT
David McKinley Mike Hamilton WV
Senators to email
Marco Rubio Cesar Conda FL
Rand Paul Doug Stafford KY
Tim Scott Rich Dunn SC
Ted Cruz Chip Roy TX
Mike Lee Body Matheson UT
Ron Johnson Tony Blando WI
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