Friday, June 5, 2020

June 5, 2020 Candace Owens Video Regarding George Floyd

JUNE 5, 2020

Candace Owens gives an impassioned detail of why she is making public her own finding regarding the George Floyd hideous murder. Because there are details that do not fit the "George Floyd hero" narrative, this one woman refuses to be silent and follow the crowd that has systematically followed some less than upstanding "heroes and heroines" within the black community.

This is an important video for you to watch. It is a video that needs to be shared. It is a part of a story that is not being told in full disclosure. It neither fits the narrative nor the agenda of the race baiting coalition.

Candace Owens deserves to be heard. She represents a huge component of the Black community, and her voice must not be silenced.

Candace Owens: "I DO NOT support Georgie Floyd!" & Here's Why